Redesigning Learning: The Urgency of Personalized Education for Every Child, Every Day
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, a seismic shift is underway, and it’s not just about personalized learning anymore. The…
Futurescaping with FLC Members –
For the second year in a row, several Future of Learning Council members ventured to sunny San Diego for the…
Authentic Learning with Technology Series
On January 25th, 2023 over 40 educators met in person and online to engage in a common conversation around deeper…
Propelling Students Forward: Assessment in the Learner-Centered Classroom Part 2
While the science of teaching (and assessment) is relatively young, there is cognitive science and empirical research to inform our teaching…
Innovative, Strengths-Based Teacher Retention Strategies Highlighted at MASA Conference
Facilitated by Mark Schneiderman, Senior Director, Future of Teaching & Learning with D2L, MASA 2022 Fall Conference speakers focused on…
The Value of Sharing Best Practices & Innovation – MASA Fall Conference
The superintendent’s seat can be lonely, so It’s important not to pass up opportunities like attending the Michigan Association of…
A Roadmap To K-12 Innovation: Three Takeaways From Michael Horn’s Latest Masterpiece
Monday, August 1st, 2022 marked the first-ever Future of Learning Council Superintendent Leadership Summit, co-hosted by the Future of Learning…
Future of Learning Council on Statewide Grassroots Strategies & Pathways
This episode of the Getting Smart Podcast is a part of our New Pathways campaign. In partnership with ASA, Stand Together…
Programs, Pathways, and Proficiency Scales Anchor Student-Centered Learning at Berrien Springs Public Schools
This case study explores how through a variety of programs, pathways, and virtual learning options as well as a willingness…
Empowering Teachers and Capturing Kids’ Hearts®:
This case study explores the motivations behind The Public Schools of Calumet, Laurium, and Keweenaw’s shift towards making learning more…